Rédaction Africa Links 24 with Expresso das Ilhas
Published on 2024-04-17 16:22:20
The president of the Cape Verde Red Cross (CVCV) announced today the installation of the institution’s first clinical analysis laboratory, scheduled for the second quarter of this year, to strengthen health and care responses.
Arlindo de Carvalho made this announcement to Inforpress, emphasizing that the creation of the aforementioned laboratory is part of the projects that were designed in 2023 and that the Red Cross is committed to implementing this year.
“We are talking about the health domain and we want with this project to strengthen the responses here in our country. And in the second quarter of this year, we will have this laboratory operating and it will be our first laboratory and an integral unit in the entire Red Cross response system,” he emphasized.
He highlighted the importance and impact that this project will have on the lives of Cape Verdeans, noting that clinical analysis laboratories are essential to monitor patients’ health and understand what symptoms are trying to show.
“This is a really important project. What resulted in the actions carried out in previous years, which we will implement this year. Some edges need to be smoothed out, it has to do with strengthening the capacity of intervention of our structures on the islands and in the municipalities,” he added.
He also reiterated that the Cape Verde Red Cross is also working for the installation of the National School of Health and Care which, he stressed, is seen by the Red Cross not only as an institution that meets the current needs of the country, in terms of care, but also that will give “special attention” to the elderly.
He further explained that the aforementioned school will be a space that will host many projects and various actions in training in the field of first aid, care, and primary health care, in various aspects, and that it will start operating later this year.
On the other hand, he added that the project will respond to the demands and give special attention to the most disadvantaged classes of society.
“The project is already at a very important stage. Some issues still need to be finalized. I believe that, still this year, we will close this project and take the leap so that Cape Verde has a National School of Health and Care that could, at the island level, help not only the authorities, but especially families,” he stated.
The Cape Verde Red Cross (CVCV) is the first humanitarian and community organization to exist in Cape Verde.
Decree-law no. 2/75, published in the Official Gazette no. 3, which establishes the Cape Verde Red Cross Association, was published on July 19, 1975, that is, 14 days after national independence. Its mission is to prevent and alleviate human suffering, with impartiality and without any discrimination, particularly based on nationality, race, gender, class, religion, or political ideologies.
Read the original article(Portuguese) on Expresso das Ilhas