Ethopia: Bajaj drivers in Afar struggle as fuel shortages force them to rely on black market, paying 300 birr per liter

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Africa Links 24 with Addis3
Published on 2025-03-17 14:49:58

Bajaj drivers in Adama City previously reported a similar concern to Addis Standard, citing a severe fuel shortage linked to the expansion of black-market fuel sales. (Photo: The Reporter)

Addis Abeba– Bajaj drivers in the Afar region say they have been unable to buy gasoline from official stations for nearly a year, forcing them to rely on the black market, where prices have surged to 300 birr per liter.

A Bajaj driver in Amibara district of the Afar region , who requested anonymity for security reasons, told Addis Standard that…

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